wuhuu.. dah lama giler aku tak update blog.. today i've been inspired to blog about makeup.. haha.. kind a funny because im not that kind of makeup girl-ish type.. well, a little bit. maybe ? because i don't know how to makeup.. setakat pakai bb cream,bedak,celak sikit, lip balm sikit reti lah..
kenapa tibe2 nak blog pasal makeup ? sebab.. it's my weak point ! haha..
im not gonna write about 'how to makeup' things like that..
actually it's because, my boipreng ni asyik suruh aku makeup je~
adoiyai. aku mane le aku geti mende2 kejadah tu sumer..
people use makeup to enhance their beauty. using proper tools..?
like this..?
nampak cantik.. natural look..maybe a little bit thick at the eyes.. but it's pretty..
now.. today, people looooooveeee makeups..
thick eyelashes..if they blink too many times it look like they gonna fly off..
base foundation so thick, you feel you wanna scratch it with a spoon..
this is not enhancing your beauty, this is covering your damn face with makeup..
tu jela yang aku tawu pasal makeups.
too many makeup pun tak cantik jugak..
too often makeup cantik2 pun bila dah kawen, husband bgn tido,
sakit jantung tgk rupe sebenar bini die..
what i'm trying to say is.. the best makeup is natural beauty..
take care of your face before those makeups consume it.
too many makeup pun tak cantik jugak..
too often makeup cantik2 pun bila dah kawen, husband bgn tido,
sakit jantung tgk rupe sebenar bini die..
what i'm trying to say is.. the best makeup is natural beauty..
take care of your face before those makeups consume it.
that's all for now. haha..